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News 2017


I know I haven’t caught up recently, but my excuse is that we’ve been busy! Starting with the important things, we’ve become Grandparents. Jessica is now 14 months old and after a shaky start she’s making up for lost time, nearly walking, terrorizing the dogs (I’ll come back to that one) and lighting up everyone’s lives when she meets them. The next important thing on the list is that we had a Farm sale last August. We decided that we wanted to be in-charge of shaping the next chapter in our lives rather than waiting for life to tell us. Looking back at the last year, it was the right move to make. Keith is still out and about ‘doing things’ but only things he wants to do now. He has his tractor, digger and hedge-cutter to keep him busy and I’ve even been treated to a new kitchen, which Keith fitted and commented that ‘did I think I’d get my monies worth out of it as I’ve had my last one 32 years’. I said with comments like that I would – if not him! So now we’ve got more time, the Bed and Breakfast had to end as it’s quite time consuming and tying. When we converted the Cart Shed into the cottages we had in mind that sometime they would take over from the Bed and Breakfast.

The next on the list is that our youngest daughter Vicki is in New Zealand now. She’s in Wellington working for their Government and is loving the country. Ofcourse, as when Claire went to China a parental visit is obliquity! We’re going out later in the year to make sure that they’re looking after her and may get sometime to see the country? You have to take advantage of your offspring’s travels.

As I said earlier ‘dogs’. Well, we’ve not just inherited a dog but a baby and her parents! Claire and Ed have decided to relocate up to Yorkshire from Surrey (I knew they’d see the light) and have sold their house so to be chain-free for when they see a suitable replacement. Which means they are living with us for the time-been and I’m enjoying every moment, Jessica in residence and my dinners cooked for me! What more can you ask.

Well, as I said we’ve had a busy year, Crumble’s taken it all in her stride and as you’ll see in the new photo’s I’ve posted has grown into a beautiful dog. As for the weather, well I can look out the window in the morning and not worry what it’s going to throw at us today because it doesn’t worry us anymore – heaven!

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